Oh Cho Rim (OCR) starts crying while she was drinking her soup.
OCR remembers a lady, but she doesn't remember who she is.
There's a flashback to when OCR's parents got murdered and she is seen fleeing away from the murderer who turns out to be Kwon Jae Hee (KJH).
Choi Moo Gak is worried about OCR because of her crying moment during dinner.
They decided he should stay for the night at her house.
This couple is so cute, they like to be in each other's life 24/7.
I don't think they got any sleep at all with all the texting going on.
Next day, they went to the police station to draw out the face that OCR saw.
They couldn't finish drawing the face because another police officer needed the room.
Back to the series of chain murder that happen. Moo Gak has a plan to lure out the murderer out.
Since the murderer might try to find out if Choi Eun Seol is alive, then he might contact a hospital.
Moo Gak's plan is going accordingly. Jae Hee calls the hospital to get records of Eun Seol.
Moo Gak tells the hospital to give the records to Jae Hee so that he will think Eun Seol is alive still.
They go undercover to hunt down the murderer.
This officer lady is pretending to be Eun Seol and a suspicious looking guy dressed in black follows her.
The police man jumped on him but he is not the murder.
Moo Gak sees a suspicious person in the shadows and starts chasing after him.
The murderer eventually gets away but not without leaving a clue for them.
Moo Gak runs back to the place where the murder got hurt during the chase.
He finds the blood of the murderer, this is a very good clue to help them solve this case.
Yeom talks to Jae Hee and they both have very keen sense of observation. They both pry each other open. He finds out that her father was murdered. She finds out about him being adopted to US and coming back to korea after his parents died in an accident.
She ask him to take off his jacket to see if he has a would on his right arm. He does have a wound and she suspects him now.
The police group comes with a warrant to get saliva sample from Jae Hee. Jae Hee is really mad at the attitude he is given. I thought for sure he will be caught.
They end up getting the saliva sample.
The test result of the saliva sample is not a match! How did Jae Hee do that? Does he have connections inside the police station?
One fact we do know is that Jae Hee is definitely the murderer.
Moo Gak has to come and apologize to Jae Hee.
Jae Hee ask him to sit down and ask for Moo Gak's phone because he lost his phone and needs to call it.
He use his lost phone as an excuse to implant a spy software on Moo Gak's phone.
Moo Gak sure is dumb, he should have some suspicion on Jae Hee.
In a flashback, Jae Hee was in the shadows, and he was looking at Moo Gak chasing a fake murderer.
He saw the fake murderer get hurt and Jae Hee hurt himself in the same arm.
I have to admit, for a murderer he is really smart and also delicate to details.
Cho Rim express that Moo Gak hasn't made their relationship clear.
Cho Rim's friend says there is an app that will help her.
The app called Moo Gak even though it wasn't Cho Rim's intention.
They go on a little shopping date. It seems like Moo Gak finds it boring but puts up with it none the less.
Most guys find shopping boring.
While they were waiting for the bus, Moo Gak ask Cho Rim not to do the cooking show.
The cooking show has Jae Hee in it and he thinks it is not safe.
Cho Rim doesn't know how dangerous Jae Hee and she ask why she shouldn't do the show. Moo Gak doesn't give her a reason.
Cho Rim is mad because Moo Gak still hasn't made clear of their relationship
Cho Rim bumps into Yeom at the police station, they both go out for a drink.
Cho Rim tells her that she is mad at Moo Gak because he hasn't asked her to be his girlfriend.
After their conversation, Yeom helps sketch the person that Cho Rim saw in her memory.
The spy ware that Jae Hee installed is working and it's pretty cool. Whatever Moo Gak does on his phone (call, text,etc), Jae Hee can hear and see as well.
Moo Gak makes it clear that she is his girlfriend and they are dating.
She sees the final sketch and it looks like the victim murdered in the series of chain murder.
Yeom figures out who Cho Rim is now.
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